Monday 4 April 2011

Peace - What's it all about?

Week 2

This weekly blog is about my community project - Picture Peace UK which aims to inspire people from all over the UK to create and maintain peace in their lives and beyond.  If you missed last week's blog, you can click here to read it.

Part of the project is a monthly online show (coming soon...) that I will be hosting with a FREE guided meditation/visualisation for all those who choose to either listen live or at a more convenient time for them.  I am at the stage of planning and research and welcome any feedback, comments or suggestions that you may have. 

A quick reminder:

Before I get onto the subject of this week's blog, I would like to request and suggest that if you like my blog you become a follower by clicking here or on the follow button on the right hand side (opposite).  You will then automatically get updates each week, either via yahoo, google or twitter.  If you don't have any of those you can follow by entering your email (all the options for following are on the right hand side of the page).  I have included on the right hand side a follow me on twitter button and a facebook 'like' button for my Hypnosis 4 Harmony page.  The benefits of signing up to my Facbook and Twitter sites is that you will get daily updates, inspirational quotes and relevant links - there will always be something of interest, without having to wait a week for the next blog. 


So I have said that I want to inspire people to create and maintain peace in their lives and beyond - what do I mean by that?  First things first, I need to explain my definition of peace in relation to this project.  Often, when I ask people what comes to mind when I say the word 'peace', they answer along the lines of 'world peace' or 'no war' and after that initial thought their minds turn to other associations like 'peaceful' or 'peace and quiet.'  These thoughts about peace vary from something very individual and personal to something on a world scale, something that seems almost unreachable.

There are two definitions of 'peace' that sum up my intentions for this project.  The first definition relates to wanting individuals to attain 'peace' and that is about helping people to attain inner harmony or tranquillity.  It can also be described as a feeling of quiet and calm in body and mind.  You may recognise it as a state of wellbeing or bliss or happiness that you have experienced on a few occasions in your life; you may experience it often as a big part of your daily life; or you may not be sure if you have ever experienced it at all. 

The second definition of 'peace' relates to mutual harmony between groups.  This is a broader definition that takes into account your relationships in your outer world.  The theory is that when you are in a peaceful balanced inner state, you will affect others around you - your friends, your family, strangers you come across in your day to day lives, will all be affected in a positive way by your positive emotional state. 

Like Gandhi said "Be the change you want to see in the world" - by changing yourself, you can positively influence others without needing to try and change them.  And of course, there are more practical ways you can get involved and help inspire others, like suggesting to them that they participate in the monthly show and see what benefits they find for themselves.  Any way you help to spread the word will be beneficial and you can get in touch if you want any ideas about how to go about this - even just sharing this blog on facebook or twitter will be a good way of getting the message out there. 

You have the opportunity to get involved as much or as little as you like.  At the very least you can spend up to an hour a month experiencing a relaxing and peaceful state - free of stress and everyday worries and concerns.  All you need to do is listen in to my show and let me guide you through a wonderful peaceful visualisation.  This is my gift to you and I give it with love because I know how wonderful it is to feel in control of your life, to deal with your emotions in a positive way and to overcome life's challenges. 

I believe that many people in the UK are going through a particularly difficult time at the moment - stress is a major problem and it's affecting our health in a big way and no-one seems to have the time or money to be able to do anything about it.  It seems like people are running around, trying to do right by others all the time and not allowing themselves any time for what is right for them.  I know that this is not the case for everyone but whatever your situation, I believe that you will be able to find some benefit from listening into my show.

What to expect from my future blogs

In the run up to the launch of my first show (date to be confirmed) I will be blogging about different aspects of what Picture Peace UK is all about - its not just about the show so you'll have to stay up to date to find out more... 

Next week, I will be writing about the power of our thoughts with feelings or intentions and how they affect our bodies and minds and those of people around us (or even far away).  I will be discussing scientific experiments that reveal some amazing things about the human mind and how it relates to my project. 

Related Articles:

Article: Tapping into Feelings - Using Positive Visualisation with EFT

Hug Chain: When was the last time you really hugged someone?


Bruce Lipton PH.D, Biology of Belief 
Dr. David Hamilton, It's the Thought That Counts
Joseph Chiltern Pearce, Evolution's End
Dr. Larry Dossey, Healing Beyond the Body
Amanda Lowe, Bliss


The Secret
What the bleep do we know?

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