Tuesday, 27 March 2012

EFT Explained: Scientific Research

My Vision:  

  • That we can live with fewer pills and less invasive health-care.
  • That we can live in balance with our bodies and minds, so that our health is at its optimum level. 
  • That our ability to overcome illness and to heal is at its highest level because we no longer live in a state of chronic stress (functioning in the survival fight or flight state for prolonged periods of time).

What EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is:

  • Tapping on specific meridian or acupressure points in the body whilst talking through emotions linked to the trauma (the problem you wish to overcome)
  • This therapy connects the mind with the body – Eastern wisdom & Western Psychotherapy
  • EFT alleviates stress and the emotional charge attached to the trauma/problem

How EFT works scientifically:

  • The tapping sends signals directly to the stress centres of the mid-brain (where negative experiences are coded with an emotional charge)
  • The talking/Psychotherapy aspect accesses the frontal lobes (the thinking part)
Accessing the negative feelings consciously (by talking) whilst simultaneously neutralising the stress and emotional charge of the feelings attached to the trauma being talked about (by tapping), alleviates the negative charge the trauma once had whenever it was thought about, triggered or re-lived.

à You know you had a traumatic experience but are no longer affected by it consciously or subconsciously, therefore any unwanted behaviours attached to the trauma are no longer necessary (over-eating, smoking, drugs, biting nails) and new positive habits can easily be learnt by the brain.

·    EFT accesses the Amygdala – the part of the brain that initiates your body’s reaction to fear (fight or flight).
·    This part of the brain sends signals to the mid-brain to code the trauma (the repeated negative experiences or intensely traumatic experience) with appropriate emotions (anxiety, stress).
·    The hormone cortisol is produced in response to any aspects of the trauma – this acts as a trigger to warn you of impending danger

This is part of our evolutionary and vital survival function which prevents us getting into dangerous situations or allows us to deal with them when they arise – i.e. to fight or to run away.

However, this function is over-activated in modern life through repeated stressful situations and ongoing chronic stress (where fight or flight is not an option) so we release cortisol far too often which inhibits our immune system, causing problems with our physical, mental and emotional health (making us more vulnerable to disease – like cancer, heart disease). 

We are not designed to live in a state of stress for a long period of time.  We function best at all levels when we are in a relaxed and calm state.

·    Scientific studies of tapping and the brain reveal that tapping on specific meridian points reduces cortisol production and increases the production of serotonin (which regulates mood, metabolism and appetite)
·     Research suggests EFT is so effective because it balances out the nervous system (parasympathetic and sympathetic regions) and produces a neutral emotional state (bliss, wellbeing)

The parasympathetic region is responsible for promoting cell regeneration
and relaxation, slowing your heartbeat, supporting digestion…

The sympathetic system prepares you for vigorous physical activity (fight or flight) by speeding up your heart, constricting your pupils…

The future

The number of therapists using EFT has rapidly increased over the last decade because of its effectiveness.  More and more research is being done and results are showing us how and why it is so effective.

More research is being conducted but it is a slow process and not on a large scale because funding for research into non-drug therapies is not easy to come by (as they are not profitable to drug companies). 

In the meantime we need to spread the word about this amazing therapy and begin integrating it into our daily lives to discover first hand how much it can do for us, as individuals. 

I believe everyone should use EFT to combat the stresses and strains of modern life and to live in our highest state of health and wellbeing.

If you would like any advice about how therapies such as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Hypnotherapy may be able to help you, please feel free to get in touch.

If you fancy using a self-help CD (which can be transferred onto any format), check out my website for further information.

Monday, 27 February 2012

Great Expectations

Is it better to expect the worst in life or hope for the best?

Your expectations in life help to form your experience of life and your view of the world.  Reality is created in the eye of the beholder and so if you are a glass half full or a glass half empty kind of person, this will determine whether you have a positive or negative reality.

There are many factors that influence the way you see the world - much of your perspective in adulthood is formed in childhood, from your parents and from your experiences and some of your views come from your genetic tendencies. 

So you can't really help what happens to you as a child or how you are genetically programmed can you?

Well, actually yes you can!  The good news is that your genes are just a blueprint and are constantly being switched on or off depending on your inner and outer environment.  Scientists are learning that we can deliberately alter some of our genes through our intentions - our daily thoughts and emotions as well as through diet and other environmental influences.  This has massive implication for our health and wellbeing.  No longer are we able to blame our genes for how we are but can now take control of our lives and make changes to create the life we choose.  We are in the driving seat and have so much more control than previously thought in western science and medicine.

Whilst your genetic code may make you susceptible to certain diseases or traits, whether some of these come out or not depends on your inner and outer environment which switches certain genes on and off.  Now this is a hugely complicated area of science which raises more questions than it has answers and I am not saying that certain inherited diseases or traits aren't inherited (you certainly can't change your eye colour or hair colour - unless you get some contacts or go to a salon!).  What I am saying is that being aware of this field of science and where it is going can help us to make better choices in our lives that could impact not only ourselves but our future generations. 

One interesting finding in epigenetics suggests that what happens to us in the womb has more of an effect on our genes than our genetic code.  Evidence suggests that the diet of our mother and her experiences may cause certain genes to switch on and off, which has a huge potential impact for our health and wellbeing. 

Whilst this is food for thought, one of the leading areas of research in epigenetics, that brings hope to our future, is in the fight against cancer.  Scientists have found in a study of breast cancer that in malignant cells, the cancer fighting gene is switched off.  Research suggests that because the switching off of the gene is an epigenteic change, it has the potential to be reversed and the hope is that one day we will be able to actually switch off the cancer gene. 

Epigenetics is thought to hold the key to explaining the massive amount of 'miracle cures' or spontaneous healings' that occur in people with cancer, where their tumours disappear completely.  It may be that their cancer suppressor genes have become reactivated after initially being switched off by epigenetic marks. 

Many people who beat cancer in this way talk of visualising the tumour shrinking which could be one important link in the healing process.  However, there are many different routes people take that lead to the disappearance of the cancer.  What stands out most in such cases of spontaneous healing is the belief systems held by the person with cancer.  It seems to be that in each case, the person holds the expectation that they will heal and that their chosen method for healing is the means to do it (whether using conventional medicine or otherwise). 
And once they undertake their chosen method of healing, their belief in its power may act as a trigger to signal the cancer fighting gene to switch on their body. 

So epigenetic control seems to have many influencing factors - our physical environment, our diet, what we are exposed to (toxins etc), environmental influences from both parents during their lives, and our own thought process and belief systems.  It is a complex puzzle that needs unravelling but the good thing is that it offers us much more hope than the fatalistic view that we are a victim of our genetic code. 

And we know that it's true if we consider how genetically identical twins can differ so much from each other.  I read about one example (in 'The Genie in your Genes' by Dawson Church) of elderly identical twin sisters; one which had a degenerative eye disorder and dementia with various other health problems and one who was vibrantly fit and healthy.  With the same genetic make-up their genes were expressed very differently in their lives.  Even with the same parental influences both epigenetic and environmental (their childhood upbringing) and living in the same area all their lives, other factors were in force that were able to create such a different outcome for the two ladies.  These factors could be the different choices made by the different experiences in their lives - choices on food, exercise and their outlook on life. 

The fact that we have the potential to control our how some of our genes are expressed through our lifestyle, thoughts, feelings, expectations and belief systems makes it worth paying attention to.  There are factors in our life beyond our control yet there are also many within our control or at least influence. 

If you make positive choices for your health and have a positive attitude in life then your health and wellbeing will be the best it can be.  If you need help shifting from mind-sets that are holding you back in life, then there are methods out there that will be able to help you.  If there are habits you wish to break, there are ways you can do this.  Once you are aware that you can choose how you want to feel and that you can positively influence your health, you shift into a state of responsibility and empowerment.  The past then becomes something to learn from and the future becomes something to actively co-create.

Now I realise that there are people who seem to do everything right in their lives - they eat well and have positive outlooks yet they become very ill.  And there are others who are miserable and smoke and drink yet they live 'til a ripe old age, free from disease.  And I can't answer why this is - as I mentioned above, epigenetics shows that there is a myriad of complex and intertwined factors which affect our health. 

But the potential for positively influencing our health and wellbeing is there and it's too good an opportunity to miss.  

So my recipe for life would be: 

Pay attention to what is good and right for your body, mind and heart - eat well, find ways to reduce stress and make time for regular relaxation. 

Focus on the positive, be mindful of your thoughts and feelings, and see the good all around you.

If you would like any advice about how therapies such as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Hypnotherapy may be able to help you, please feel free to get in touch.

If you would like to try out a visualisation technique, check out last week's blog.

If you fancy using a self-help CD (which can be transferred onto any format), check out my website for further information.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012


Following on from my second ever blog post last year, I am re-visiting the subject of peace, which is the basis for the entire Picture Peace UK Project and this is because Irene Lambert, Coach, Therapist and Trainer will be speaking on the PPUK show this weekend about that very subject.

With such a huge subject to cover, I could talk about it in endless different ways for an endless amount of time! And in my last peace blog, my focus was mainly on the definition of peace and how it is relevant to the concept of the project.  This time I will be developing the ideas of inner and outer peace further and focussing more on how controlling your inner environment can help create a more positive experience in your day to life and relationships.

Inner Peace

Inner peace is the state of wellbeing, contentment and bliss.  To be able to achieve this state on a regular basis in your life can have massive benefits to how you view and cope with situations.  Firstly, the ability to create and maintain a peaceful state during a meditation for example, allows your body and mind to experience true relaxation and helps you to regain an inner balance. 

To be able to 'switch on' peaceful feelings in your everyday life can help you to shift from a negative state to a positive one, breaking the hold the negative state had over you and helping you to let go of the feelings that were taking over.  This ability to shift your feelings using a trigger or a certain technique, can give you a sense of achievement and control in your life.  

Whereas in the past you may have felt like a victim of your feelings, with this new ability you will be able to choose how you want to feel and take a step back to see the bigger picture in your life.  This will help you to overcome challenges and to find the strength of will to find and act on opportunities.

This inner environment that you can learn to control is like any other habit you learn.  It just takes a little bit of time and practise.  And the good news is, if you have learnt to drive or to cook or any other skill, you will find that this one is much easier to pick up.  You do not need to be good at anything to do it, you just need to invest the time to become in tune with your inner environment and your inner needs. 

Intuitive living is something all humans are capable of but in modern society, where we seem to be busy all the time and dealing with a variety of stresses -creating peace and relaxation is often overlooked as a basic need. 

Some people invest a lot of time in others and in 'doing the right thing' but do not take the time they need for themselves.  And the power and impact of taking this time can be extremely dramatic, especially for a person who has discarded the idea or has never discovered it in their life. 

Many do not realise the power and impact that creating a peaceful inner environment can have.  They may even feel they simply do not have time.  But there is always time to spend half an hour a day, or several times a week, creating total peace and relaxation.  And once you have discovered your own powerful peaceful feeling, you can create a trigger that can help you shift into this state whenever you need it.  I go into more detail about how you can do this below.

How inner peace creates outer peace

Once your inner environment is more under control, your perspective on life and the way you deal with situations may well change.  As you develop your awareness of how you act and interact with others, it will become clear what thought processes you need to alter in order to create more positive feelings within yourself, which in turn changes the outcome of the situation. 

When you can shift out of a negative state and step outside yourself to see the bigger picture, you will be able to choose more beneficial ways of managing your relationships and overcoming challenges.  Rather than just reacting, you will be choosing to act according to what is best.  This can often have a massive impact on your experiences in life, especially if you have been struggling with stresses, difficult relationships, achieving goals or having any desire to achieve goals. 

Creating inner peace regularly

Meditation or visualisations are great ways to practise creating a peaceful inner environment.  They give you the chance to experience true relaxation which can help in so many ways, including helping your brain produce more endorphins (happy chemicals), produce less cortisol (stress chemicals), improve your immune system function and your overall wellbeing.

If you would like some help with meditating or visualisation in the form of a CD (which you can put onto any format), visit my website for further information.

If you fancy having a go at a simple visualisation technique yourself - try practising this one every day.  Find a regular time of day that will be good for you:

Get comfortable sitting or lying down with your back straight and legs and arms uncrossed.

Close your eyes or focus on something relaxing like a candle or view.  Turn your attention to your breathing.  Take 3 slow deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Then breathe gently through your nose if you can.

Check the whole of your body - your head, face, jaw, neck, shoulders, arms, fingers, chest, stomach, buttocks, thighs, legs feet and toes for any areas of tension and release.

Use your imagination to guide you to your own special place.  It could be somewhere you have been before, it could be from your imagination.  Go with whatever comes to mind first and build up a movie in your mind of you exploring your special place - give it colour - notice all that is around, give it sound - what gentle familiar sounds help you to relax more in this place, give it texture - can you feel the ground beneath your feet?  Can you feel the sun on your skin or a cool breeze?  Fill in as much detail as possible to help you create feelings of total relaxation, peace, bliss.

When you have finished, slowly bring yourself back to full conscious awareness - bring your focus back to the room and to the present moment, becoming aware of the sounds around you, the feel of the surface beneath you and then opening your eyes when you are ready and taking a nice breath in and out.

The more often you do this, the easier it will become and the more benefit you will get from it.

Creating a trigger for shifting into a peaceful state

When you are good at visiting your special place and creating powerful peaceful feelings you can anchor the feeling by holding the bottom part of your index finger with your other finger and thumb.  Do this during the visualisation when your positive feelings are at their most heightened and say to yourself a trigger word/s that seems appropriate.  For example you may wish to say to yourself 'peace' or 'bliss' or 'special place' to help you to call on those feelings in your day to day life. 

Then, whenever you wish to shift out of a negative state or create peaceful feelings, you can hold your index finger whilst saying the trigger word/s.  This should help your subconscious mind bring back the feelings from your special place causing a chemical reaction in your brain and a shift in your emotional state.

Listen to the PPUK show Saturday 25th February to find out more about peace and to join in with a live therapeutic exercise and a guided meditation. Details below...

Don't forget if you've missed the last episode of PPUK, you can catch up anytime www.tinyurl.com/ppukshow

Next episode of Picture Peace UK - Saturday 25th February, 10am with special guest, Irene Lambert, Coach,Therapist & Trainer
You can listen as a guest on the day or sign up in 3 easy steps:
1. Click here and enter just a few details to register for FREE

2. You will then be taken back to my show page (Wendy Harmony, Picture Peace UK).

3. Click on the 'Follow' button on the right hand side of my page and you will automatically be invited to forthcoming live shows by email
NB. If you aren't taken straight to my showpage, just search for Picture Peace UK when you have signed up for Talkshoe and then click 'follow'.
By participating in the show you agree to the disclaimer.

Picture Peace Uk & Holistics 4 Harmony on You Tube:

Holistics 4 Harmony
(formerly Hypnosis 4 Harmony)

Watch my Holistics 4 Harmony video to learn about how the subconscious mind works and how you can use holistic therapies like Hypnotherapy and EFT to undo old unwanted habits and create new positive ones.

Picture Peace UK

Take a look at the Picture Peace UK video to find out a bit more about my project and how you can get involved. I am offering an exciting opportunity for you to join in with others across the UK and experience a LIVE visualisation meditation. I will be your guide on this journey of finding inner peace and creating peace in your life. The best bit? It's completely free for anyone to join in and find out the benefits for themselves.

Like my videos and need a personal or professional video for yourself? If you are in the Gloucestershire area get in touch and I'll put you in contact with Videographer Jason Murphy - and you can enjoy a 10% discount for going through me.


The World Wide Energy Awareness Event: http://energy888.org/

Organisations/People of Interest
Celestine Vision, Global Prayer Project - watch their video at globalprayerproject.com/ (they have a similar vision to Picture Peace UK, however to join in live in the UK you would need to tune in at about 1am - its good stuff though, James Redfield author of The Celestine Prophecy runs the project with his wife Salle.

Action for Happiness, www.actionforhappiness.org/ (You may have seen them on BBC Breakfast, they are a fairly new movement for positive social change. They're bringing together people from all walks of life who want to play a part in creating a happier society for everyone).

World Peace Prayer Society, http://www.worldpeace-uk.org/ (Their mission is to spread the message 'May Peace Prevail on Earth', to help achieve harmony within the individual, in society, and with our environment, where 'peace' is seen as the highest aspiration of humanity).

The Big Peace, http://thebigpeace.com/the-90-day-programme/ (A Free 90 Day Coaching Program To Help You Finally Find Inner Peace And Contentment)

Related Articles:
Article: Picture Peace UK: Using EFT & Visualisation to create inner and outer peace

Article: Tapping into Feelings - Using Positive Visualisation with EFT

Hug Chain: When was the last time you really hugged someone?

Books (Links to these at Amazon on the side bar):
Bruce Lipton PH.D, Biology of Belief
Dr. David Hamilton, It's the Thought That Counts
Joseph Chiltern Pearce, Evolution's End
Dr. Larry Dossey, Healing Beyond the Body
Dawson Church, The Genie in your Genes
Amanda Lowe, Bliss
Joe Dispenza, Evolve your Brain
Jack Canfield and Eva Gregory, Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction
James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy

Films (Links to these at Amazon on the sidebar):
The Secret
What the bleep do we know?
Pay it Forward

Monday, 13 February 2012

Self-help CDs

What is a self-help CD, who is it for and why might I need one?

You may have seen on the market many different types of CD's like meditation CDs or Self-Hypnosis CDs (or indeed downloads!) and you may wonder whether there is any point to them.  Or, you may already have bought many, used them a couple of times and then forgot about them.

Well if you have never used one or have lost faith in them, you may want to read on...

Self-help CDs, used properly can be extremely beneficial and cost-effective, depending on what you want from them and your commitment to change. 

I have tried a few self-help audios and CDs myself over the years and now sell my own based on what I thought worked well and techniques I have learnt through my training and research.  The main problem I encountered with the CDs on the market was how generic they were and so it was very difficult finding one that suited my needs.  And there were so many to choose from, it was virtually impossible to know which one to get without spending a small fortune!

To give you an idea of whether you may benefit from one of my CDs, I will discuss some important things you need to know self-help CDs including the types of things you may want to use the CDs for and how to get the most out of my CDs.

Before I begin, I would like to point out that although you may purchase a CD from me, you will be able to download it and put it into the format that is most suitable for you - to play on your MP3 player or IPod. 

What is a self-help CD?

They are designed to be used by individuals looking to improve any area of their life.  They can be used to help overcome unwanted habits and behaviours or to create positive habits and behaviours. 

Some types of self-help CDs 
  • Meditation
  • Self-Hypnosis
  • Motivational
  • Medi-tapping

Some uses for self-help CDs
  • Relaxation/De-stress
  • Combating cravings
  • Increasing intuition
  • Improving relationships
  • Increasing confidence
  • Succeeding in goals
  • Labour and birth

Why are they sometimes unsuccessful?

If you buy a CD, you are often not as informed about the commitment you need to make in order for it to help you achieve success as you would be with guided therapy sessions with a qualified practitioner.  You may have unrealistic expectations that the CD will transform your life straight away and when it doesn't you may get very disheartened and feel that it is a waste of time.  

If you want to be in control of your life and are very motivated then you will probably understand the importance of putting the effort in to achieve your goal.  It's all about knowing how to get the most out of the CD and then doing it. This is the part where motivation and willpower come in. 

It is important to remember, however, that sometimes a problem may have many complex aspects that would make it difficult to unravel alone and so in these cases it would be best to seek help from a professional.  

My Self-help CDs

The great thing about my CDs is that I advise you on the suitability of the CD for your needs (without charge).  If I feel you would benefit from guided sessions or medical advice, I discuss this with you before you commit to buy. 

This means you can avoid the difficult task of online searching, trying to find out what will be the best thing for you to buy from an array of different styles, techniques and practitioners. 

I can also personalise a CD for you to make the suggestions more effective, reaching the core and helping to make the process of making changes in your subconscious mind somewhat easier.  The techniques I use include self-hypnosis, guided meditation and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping

Even if it's just relaxation you are after, I can create something personal to you making it more enticing for you to keep using it.  The benefits of regular relaxation meditation are numerous and well-researched.  You will benefit not only your mind but your body too. 

I keep my prices very low and offer a personal approach with all my clients whether you want therapy sessions or a really cheap generic relaxation CD.  You can email me anytime with any queries and I am always happy to help.

How to get the most from my self-help CDs
  • Get in touch with your requirements and be as specific as possible
  • Follow the instructions I give for use - repetition is always the key to making positive changes
  • Ask any questions you may have
  • Use your willpower initially to make the time needed to listen to the CD and be patient, the benefits will not be far away. One listen will be relaxing and after about 20 days you will have actually changed your brain and created a new positive habit.
That's it!  I will do the groundwork and guide you through the process and then I will leave it in your capable hands to see it through!

Find out more...or send me an email

Don't forget if you've missed the last episode of PPUK, you can catch up anytime www.tinyurl.com/ppukshow

Next episode of Picture Peace UK - Saturday 25th February, 10am with special guest, Irene Lambert, Coach,Therapist & Trainer
You can listen as a guest on the day or sign up in 3 easy steps:
1. Click here and enter just a few details to register for FREE

2. You will then be taken back to my show page (Wendy Harmony, Picture Peace UK).

3. Click on the 'Follow' button on the right hand side of my page and you will automatically be invited to forthcoming live shows by email
NB. If you aren't taken straight to my showpage, just search for Picture Peace UK when you have signed up for Talkshoe and then click 'follow'.
By participating in the show you agree to the disclaimer.

Picture Peace Uk & Holistics 4 Harmony on You Tube:

Holistics 4 Harmony
(formerly Hypnosis 4 Harmony)

Watch my Holistics 4 Harmony video to learn about how the subconscious mind works and how you can use holistic therapies like Hypnotherapy and EFT to undo old unwanted habits and create new positive ones.

Picture Peace UK

Take a look at the Picture Peace UK video to find out a bit more about my project and how you can get involved. I am offering an exciting opportunity for you to join in with others across the UK and experience a LIVE visualisation meditation. I will be your guide on this journey of finding inner peace and creating peace in your life. The best bit? It's completely free for anyone to join in and find out the benefits for themselves.

Like my videos and need a personal or professional video for yourself? If you are in the Gloucestershire area get in touch and I'll put you in contact with Videographer Jason Murphy - and you can enjoy a 10% discount for going through me.


The World Wide Energy Awareness Event: http://energy888.org/

Organisations/People of Interest
Celestine Vision, Global Prayer Project - watch their video at globalprayerproject.com/ (they have a similar vision to Picture Peace UK, however to join in live in the UK you would need to tune in at about 1am - its good stuff though, James Redfield author of The Celestine Prophecy runs the project with his wife Salle.

Action for Happiness, www.actionforhappiness.org/ (You may have seen them on BBC Breakfast, they are a fairly new movement for positive social change. They're bringing together people from all walks of life who want to play a part in creating a happier society for everyone).

World Peace Prayer Society, http://www.worldpeace-uk.org/ (Their mission is to spread the message 'May Peace Prevail on Earth', to help achieve harmony within the individual, in society, and with our environment, where 'peace' is seen as the highest aspiration of humanity).

The Big Peace, http://thebigpeace.com/the-90-day-programme/ (A Free 90 Day Coaching Program To Help You Finally Find Inner Peace And Contentment)

Related Articles:
Article: Picture Peace UK: Using EFT & Visualisation to create inner and outer peace

Article: Tapping into Feelings - Using Positive Visualisation with EFT

Hug Chain: When was the last time you really hugged someone?

Books (Links to these at Amazon on the side bar):
Bruce Lipton PH.D, Biology of Belief
Dr. David Hamilton, It's the Thought That Counts
Joseph Chiltern Pearce, Evolution's End
Dr. Larry Dossey, Healing Beyond the Body
Dawson Church, The Genie in your Genes
Amanda Lowe, Bliss
Joe Dispenza, Evolve your Brain
Jack Canfield and Eva Gregory, Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction
James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy

Films (Links to these at Amazon on the sidebar):
The Secret
What the bleep do we know?
Pay it Forward

Monday, 6 February 2012

Strive for Happiness

The previous episode of Picture Peace UK featured Alice and Ella talking about their Strive for Happiness project.  If you haven't already heard it click on the player above to listen and be inspired by their creative approach to happiness (then sit back and enjoy the happiness meditation).

I was very impressed with the manifesto for the Strive for Happiness project when I first read it on Alice and Ella's website, and it was great to find out first-hand about the activities and projects they do to realise their goals. 

If you like being creative and want to help others, it's worth checking out their website or following their blog for inspiration.  They are all about finding ways to create happiness through doing things you love and doing things for others, which is probably something we all like the sound of but never seem to find the time to do. 

Well I believe if you find something that inspires you and it feels like a good idea, you can take action right away by making the first step toward doing something.  You may put a reminder on your phone or on a list, put a slot in your diary where you will begin to look into it further, search the internet for things you may need or get stuck right in and do it straight away.  So long as you take that first important step you will find that there is always time to do that little bit extra in your life.  And once you put your thoughts into action and actually achieve what you set out to do, the joy and satisfaction you get from doing it makes it easier for you to embark on your next goal.

Have a look at these time-creation tips to help you find ways to get more out of your day:

1. Watch a bit less TV in your day and use the time to be creative.  Watching too much TV without having time to truly relax or be creative can seriously stunt your higher brain activity.

2. Get up slightly earlier and make use of that extra 30 minutes or hour.  Being creative first thing will help your brain to enter a positive and receptive state for the rest of the day.

3. Set aside an hour or two of one of your days off each week.  You'll probably find that if you spend time being creative you'll be more inspired to do your chores and get more done, rather than spending time procrastinating and putting things off.  Make sure you limit your time if you have lots to do as it's easy to get carried away!

4. Make use of your lunch hour at work - do research and planning for your kindness activities.  Do you need to buy supplies?  Where from?  What are you going to make and who for?

5. Spend 30 minutes to an hour before bed - making, creating, sticking, baking, sewing, knitting or whatever you creative activity is.  Don't carry on when you are too tired and limit the time you spend.
Remember, you are doing something you enjoy that makes you feel great and it will make someone else feel great too so it's a good idea to remind yourself of this and don't treat it like another chore on your list. 

It's easy for us to become habitual and grumble at the thought of doing something outside of our normal routine because it requires effort but we are not just creatures of habit.  Our brains are also designed to seek out novelty and new experiences and this is why when you break free of your habitual chains you feel more joyful and more alive.  Life is for living!!  And if you love this kind of thing and often seek out new experiences, think of something you haven't yet done for someone else, right now (or after visiting Alice and Ella's website) and get started on making them happy!

To help you on your way, here's just a few ideas of creative things you could do for others:

1. Send out/drop off hand-written notes or cards of inspiration to others, or leave them in places for strangers to find (dentist, hairdresser, bus, cafe...)

2. Bake cakes or biscuits and drop them round to neighbours, friends, family.

3. Leave anonymous gifts in strange places for people to find.  It could be anything you like - be creative!

4. Write notes of appreciation (make them pretty and colourful!) and put them up as decorations around your house to make you feel happy and blessed.

5. Make things out of things you might throw away like old packaging, clothes etc and if they're good take them to your local hospital or nursing home.

Don't forget if you've missed the last episode of PPUK, you can catch up anytime www.tinyurl.com/ppukshow

Next episode of Picture Peace UK - Saturday 25th February, 10am with special guest, Irene Lambert, Coach,Therapist & Trainer
You can listen as a guest on the day or sign up in 3 easy steps:
1. Click here and enter just a few details to register for FREE

2. You will then be taken back to my show page (Wendy Harmony, Picture Peace UK).

3. Click on the 'Follow' button on the right hand side of my page and you will automatically be invited to forthcoming live shows by email
NB. If you aren't taken straight to my showpage, just search for Picture Peace UK when you have signed up for Talkshoe and then click 'follow'.
By participating in the show you agree to the disclaimer.

Picture Peace Uk & Hypnosis 4 Harmony on You Tube:

Hypnosis 4 Harmony

Watch my Hypnosis 4 Harmony video to learn about how the subconscious mind works and how you can use holistic therapies like Hypnotherapy and EFT to undo old unwanted habits and create new positive ones.

Picture Peace UK

Take a look at the Picture Peace UK video to find out a bit more about my project and how you can get involved. I am offering an exciting opportunity for you to join in with others across the UK and experience a LIVE visualisation meditation. I will be your guide on this journey of finding inner peace and creating peace in your life. The best bit? It's completely free for anyone to join in and find out the benefits for themselves.

Like my videos and need a personal or professional video for yourself? If you are in the Gloucestershire area get in touch and I'll put you in contact with Videographer Jason Murphy - and you can enjoy a 10% discount for going through me.


The World Wide Energy Awareness Event: http://energy888.org/

Organisations/People of Interest
Celestine Vision, Global Prayer Project - watch their video at globalprayerproject.com/ (they have a similar vision to Picture Peace UK, however to join in live in the UK you would need to tune in at about 1am - its good stuff though, James Redfield author of The Celestine Prophecy runs the project with his wife Salle.

Action for Happiness, www.actionforhappiness.org/ (You may have seen them on BBC Breakfast, they are a fairly new movement for positive social change. They're bringing together people from all walks of life who want to play a part in creating a happier society for everyone).

World Peace Prayer Society, http://www.worldpeace-uk.org/ (Their mission is to spread the message 'May Peace Prevail on Earth', to help achieve harmony within the individual, in society, and with our environment, where 'peace' is seen as the highest aspiration of humanity).

The Big Peace, http://thebigpeace.com/the-90-day-programme/ (A Free 90 Day Coaching Program To Help You Finally Find Inner Peace And Contentment)

Related Articles:
Article: Picture Peace UK: Using EFT & Visualisation to create inner and outer peace

Article: Tapping into Feelings - Using Positive Visualisation with EFT

Hug Chain: When was the last time you really hugged someone?

Books (Links to these at Amazon on the side bar):
Bruce Lipton PH.D, Biology of Belief
Dr. David Hamilton, It's the Thought That Counts
Joseph Chiltern Pearce, Evolution's End
Dr. Larry Dossey, Healing Beyond the Body
Dawson Church, The Genie in your Genes
Amanda Lowe, Bliss
Joe Dispenza, Evolve your Brain
Jack Canfield and Eva Gregory, Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction
James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy

Films (Links to these at Amazon on the sidebar):
The Secret
What the bleep do we know?
Pay it Forward

Monday, 30 January 2012

Indulge your Senses Challenge

What foods do you love to eat that nourish your body and make you feel great all over?  

What drinks quench your thirst and tantalise your tastebuds?

I'm not talking about anything processed here.  Nor I am talking about anything with saturated fat or E-numbers.  What I am referring to, is food or drink that is in harmony with your body as well as your mind. 

Often, we indulge in food that we 'think' we love, only to fill ourselves up to the point of feeling bloated and sick.  Common culprits are chocolate, biscuits, crisps, chips and fast food.  Now a little of anything in moderation is fine so there's no reason not to enjoy these kinds of foods on occasion but what you do need to be mindful of, is the quantity you put into your body.

In this society, we are not encouraged to develop our mind-body connection and are often not fully aware of how food or drink actually makes us feel.  This can cause a serious miscommunication between what we think we want and what we need.  We can find ourselves overriding our natural desire to eat and drink what is good and right for us because we are driven by ideas and beliefs installed into our subconscious mind from parents, peers and the media. 

Do you recognise any of these conditioned beliefs?

'You should always clean your plate'.  It's rude to leave waste on your plate.' 
'It's wrong to be wasteful, there are people starving'. 
'I should eat as much as I can'.  'I should eat as much as everyone else'.  'Vegetables are horrible'. 'Fruit is boring'.  'Water is boring'. 
'Alcohol helps me relax and have fun'. 
'I like to treat myself at the end of a hard day'.

Think about your upbringing - what were your parents' attitudes towards food and drink?

Now Part 1 of my challenge to you is for you to make a list of about 10 items - food and drink, that you really love and that make you feel really good when you eat or drink them.  You can use simple combinations if they do it for you. 

It's important to choose options that are good for you so if you don't have a lot of goodness in your diet, the challenge will be slightly different for you.  Your challenge will be to try new foods and drinks to find things that you do love. 

As you think about this challenge, you may find that some things you loved in the past, you just don't get round to eating very often.  And if that's the case, now is the time to rediscover them.

I will give you my list of ten that I will be working from this week and hopefully it may inspire you:

1. Pineapples (tinned in own juice is fine)
2. Cheese and Tomatoes grilled on wholemeal bread
3. Natural Yoghurt (low fat) with banana
4. Porridge
5. Avocado, mozzarella and tomato (side dish or starter, basil optional)
6. Sweetcorn (frozen is fine, very sweet, just boil a couple of mins)
7. Cold Water
8. Lemon high juice with orange high juice and fizzy water
9. Lime juice and cherry squash with fizzy water
10. Lemon and Lime squash with fizzy water

The next part of the challenge comes when you eat or drink the items on your list.

What you need to do is: 
  • Give thanks for the food/drink before you consume it
  • Take your time with it, savouring each mouthful
  • Feel how it makes your body feel as you consume it
  • Ensure you do not eat past the point of satisfaction (before you feel full)
  • Give appreciation for the blessing of the food/drink once it is gone
At the end of the week, you may be surprised how your attitude towards food and drink and its relationship with your body develops.  You may find you appreciate food more and enjoy it more.  Even if you think you are good with what you consume, it's worth doing the challenge to find out if there is anything you can learn.  It is when we consciously set out to do something we can discover so much more about ourselves and enrich our experience of life.

If you have any feedback, or comments you would like to share, drop me an email to wendy@holistics4harmony.co.uk

Don't forget if you've missed the last episode of PPUK, you can catch up anytime www.tinyurl.com/ppukshow

Next episode of Picture Peace UK - Saturday 25th February, 10am with special guest, Irene Lambert, Holistic Therapist
You can listen as a guest on the day or sign up in 3 easy steps:
1. Click here and enter just a few details to register for FREE

2. You will then be taken back to my show page (Wendy Harmony, Picture Peace UK).

3. Click on the 'Follow' button on the right hand side of my page and you will automatically be invited to forthcoming live shows by email
NB. If you aren't taken straight to my showpage, just search for Picture Peace UK when you have signed up for Talkshoe and then click 'follow'.
By participating in the show you agree to the disclaimer.

Picture Peace Uk & Hypnosis 4 Harmony on You Tube:

Hypnosis 4 Harmony

Watch my Hypnosis 4 Harmony video to learn about how the subconscious mind works and how you can use holistic therapies like Hypnotherapy and EFT to undo old unwanted habits and create new positive ones.

Picture Peace UK

Take a look at the Picture Peace UK video to find out a bit more about my project and how you can get involved. I am offering an exciting opportunity for you to join in with others across the UK and experience a LIVE visualisation meditation. I will be your guide on this journey of finding inner peace and creating peace in your life. The best bit? It's completely free for anyone to join in and find out the benefits for themselves.

Like my videos and need a personal or professional video for yourself? If you are in the Gloucestershire area get in touch and I'll put you in contact with Videographer Jason Murphy - and you can enjoy a 10% discount for going through me.


The World Wide Energy Awareness Event: http://energy888.org/

Organisations/People of Interest
Celestine Vision, Global Prayer Project - watch their video at globalprayerproject.com/ (they have a similar vision to Picture Peace UK, however to join in live in the UK you would need to tune in at about 1am - its good stuff though, James Redfield author of The Celestine Prophecy runs the project with his wife Salle.

Action for Happiness, www.actionforhappiness.org/ (You may have seen them on BBC Breakfast, they are a fairly new movement for positive social change. They're bringing together people from all walks of life who want to play a part in creating a happier society for everyone).

World Peace Prayer Society, http://www.worldpeace-uk.org/ (Their mission is to spread the message 'May Peace Prevail on Earth', to help achieve harmony within the individual, in society, and with our environment, where 'peace' is seen as the highest aspiration of humanity).

The Big Peace, http://thebigpeace.com/the-90-day-programme/ (A Free 90 Day Coaching Program To Help You Finally Find Inner Peace And Contentment)

Related Articles:
Article: Picture Peace UK: Using EFT & Visualisation to create inner and outer peace

Article: Tapping into Feelings - Using Positive Visualisation with EFT

Hug Chain: When was the last time you really hugged someone?

Books (Links to these at Amazon on the side bar):
Bruce Lipton PH.D, Biology of Belief
Dr. David Hamilton, It's the Thought That Counts
Joseph Chiltern Pearce, Evolution's End
Dr. Larry Dossey, Healing Beyond the Body
Dawson Church, The Genie in your Genes
Amanda Lowe, Bliss
Joe Dispenza, Evolve your Brain
Jack Canfield and Eva Gregory, Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction
James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy

Films (Links to these at Amazon on the sidebar):
The Secret
What the bleep do we know?
Pay it Forward