Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Show launches this Sunday 5th June, 7pm GMT

Just a few days to go now...

If you haven't yet signed up for the Picture Peace UK show, follow the simple instructions below today so that you don't miss out.

On Sunday, people from all over the UK will be joining together for my first ever online show featuring a guided visualisation meditation.  You have the amazing opportunity to be a part of something special, to learn to create and maintain peace in your mind and in your life.  During each show, you will be able to learn useful techniques that you can apply to your everyday life to help you to on your journey towards wellbeing.  You will learn how to direct your thoughts in a positive way and how to use visualisation to help you move towards your goals. 

You will also learn how group intention can effect the environment and as followers to the show increase over time, you will be able to discover for yourself what kind of difference we can make throughout the UK. 

There are so many reasons to sign up and be a part of this show and this UK experiment and here are just a few:

1.  The free guided meditation by a qualified therapist.

2.  The free techniques from Hypnotherapy and EFT that you can learn and apply to your life.

3.  Learn about how the mind works and how that knowledge is relevant to you and your experience of life.

4.  Learn how you can gain control over your life and how you feel.

5.  Join in and share with others from accross the UK.  Give your thoughts, request PISTOs (Positive Intentions Sent To Others) and help shape the shows through interaction.

Picture Peace UK launches in less than two weeks so make sure you are signed up in time:

How to sign up - just 3 easy steps!
1.  Click here and enter just a few details to register for FREE

2.  You will then be taken back to my show page (Wendy Harmony, Picture Peace UK).

3.  Click on the 'Follow' button on the right hand side of my page and you will automatically be invited to forthcoming live shows by email

NB. If you aren't taken straight to my showpage, just search for Picture Peace UK when you have signed up for Talkshoe and then click 'follow'.

By participating in the show you agree to the disclaimer.

Picture Peace Uk and Hypnosis 4 Harmony are now on You Tube:

Hypnosis 4 Harmony

Watch my Hypnosis 4 Harmony video to learn about how the subconscious mind works and how you can use holistic therapies like Hypnotherapy and EFT to undo old unwanted habits and create new positive ones:

Picture Peace UK

Take a look at the Picture Peace UK video to find out a bit more about my project and how you can get involved.  I am offering an exciting opportunity for you to join in with others across the UK and experience a LIVE visualisation meditation.  I will be your guide on this journey of finding inner peace and creating peace in your life.  The best bit?  It's completely free for anyone to join in and find out the benefits for themselves:

Like my videos and need a personal or professional video for yourself?  If you are in the Gloucestershire area get in touch and I'll put you in contact with Videographer Jason Murphy - and you can enjoy a 10% discount for going through me.

Organisations/People of Interest

Celestine Vision, Global Prayer Project - watch their video at globalprayerproject.com/  (they have a similar vision to Picture Peace UK, however to join in live in the UK you would need to tune in at about 1am - its good stuff though, James Redfield author of The Celestine Prophecy runs the project with his wife Salle.

Action for Happiness, www.actionforhappiness.org/ (You may have seen them on BBC Breakfast, they are a fairly new movement for positive social change. They're bringing together people from all walks of life who want to play a part in creating a happier society for everyone).

World Peace Prayer Society, http://www.worldpeace-uk.org/  (Their mission is to spread the message 'May Peace Prevail on Earth', to help achieve harmony within the individual, in society, and with our environment, where 'peace' is seen as the highest aspiration of humanity).

The Big Peace, http://thebigpeace.com/the-90-day-programme/ (A Free 90 Day Coaching Program To Help You Finally Find Inner Peace And Contentment)

Related Articles:

Article: Tapping into Feelings - Using Positive Visualisation with EFT

Hug Chain: When was the last time you really hugged someone?

Books (Links to these at Amazon opposite):

Bruce Lipton PH.D, Biology of Belief 
Dr. David Hamilton, It's the Thought That Counts
Joseph Chiltern Pearce, Evolution's End
Dr. Larry Dossey, Healing Beyond the Body
Amanda Lowe, Bliss
Joe Dispenza, Evolve your Brain
Jack Canfield and Eva Gregory, Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction
James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy

Films (Links to these at Amazon opposite):

The Secret
What the bleep do we know?
Pay it Forward

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